Beauty Dust

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Kate Jarrett | Loxy's


Introducing the beautiful Kate Jarrett, owner and managing director at Loxy’s Hair Boutique, and total babe. Read on to learn about some of her favourite things.

What purchase for $100 or less sparks JOY in your life?

A good meal with great people. And a blow wave. 😍

What music do you love listening to?

A bit of everything really depending on the time of day and my mood! House, pop, hip hop then some chill relaxing beats after a long noisy day at the salon.


Who do you follow, or who is inspiring you right now?

I am currently completely and utterly obsessed with Glennon Doyle. I listened to her podcast with Brene Brown and got a kindle and downloaded Untamed and Love Warrior. Two of the most profound reads of my life! So inspiring. 

How did you start Loxy’s?

I trained in extensions as a hobby then grew the brand from my home based studio before opening in Ponsonby 5 years ago. It’s been the ride of a lifetime!


Fave places to hangout?

The park at the end of Te Atatu Peninsula. The walk to it is one of my favourites in Auckland and is my go-to for de-stressing and filling up my cup. 

What New Zealand and international fashion brands do you love?

My local Superette store is my go-to, not all NZ made of course but NZ run and I’m all  about that! 
An international brand I love is Auguste, such beautiful dresses, amazing to dress up or down. 


Which skincare brands do you use on repeat?

Absolutely completely and utterly obsessed with Dermaviduals, it’s truly the only thing I’ve ever used that I’ve seen a real difference with. 


What is your favourite Beauty Dust product and why?

It’s a tie between the Nourish Day Cream and the new Shampoo and Conditioner! I love the Day Cream for a quick hair spruce on dry hair during the day, that’s not weighty or greasy (a must to keep in your handbag!)

The new shampoo and conditioner is freakin’ amazing and I love the results while knowing it’s all natural. So good! 

Our budding entrepreneurs would love to know, if you feel overwhelmed, unfocused and have lost your mojo what do you do?

Exercise always helps. I also believe: good things in good things out, so supplements, good food, good music, inspiring podcasts... eventually the good stuff will flow out too. And SLEEP!

We’d love to hear about anything else you care about…

I’m super passionate about helping others in business and believe it’s so important to let down the ladder and share the knowledge you have. Less competition, more lifting each other up 💕

x Kate Jarrett